Education Hub Home
Getting Started
A useful start point for your nursery, school, academy or college is the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF). This, coupled with the 'Are you Ofsted Compliant?' and 'eSafety Flow Chart' documents give an at-a-glance overview of everything you need to do to meet Ofsted standards for safeguarding, including DBS checks, training and policies. The full size version of the DBS flowchart can be downloaded by clicking here.
Welcome to the SAFE child safeguarding information resource. This micro-site has been designed for all those engaged on an employed or voluntary basis with children and young people in the education sector. The focus is exclusively on helping your educational establishment meet its safeguarding obligations as defined by Ofsted, highlighting the checks required under the new DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) scheme (formerly CRB) and providing guidance on how to complete the application forms. The site also details the safeguarding training (child safeguarding training and eSafety training) required by Ofsted.
Ofsted-Specific Safeguarding Standards
- Essential Elements
- Desirable Elements
In addition to the "Are you Ofsted Compliant Table" above, all educational establishments need to evidence they have the following in place:
- Current and comprehensive Child Safeguarding and eSafety policies, formally reviewed every year by the governing board (or equivalent) and available to all staff, volunteers, contractors and parents on the website and in hard copy
- Policies with processes for incident recording and monitoring, working with parents & carers; and strategies for reviewing, monitoring and managing:
- behaviour & attendance,
- sanctions & rewards,
- bullying (including cyber bullying and prejudice-based bullying related to disability, sexual orientation, sex, race, religion & belief, gender reassignment )
- harassment, discrimination, homophobia, extremism and racism
- A curriculum which ensures children and young people understand very clearly what constitutes unsafe situations and how to keep themselves and others safe, including eSafety
- An annual safeguarding report to the governing body (or equivalent) highlighting safeguarding activities including training and monitoring and/or referring concerns or allegations. A review of current policies and procedures should be carried out at the same time.
- A single central record which gives an overview of the recruitment, selection checking and vetting of all staff and volunteers including right to work in the United Kingdom. Recruitment processes should be rigorous, clearly documented throughout and include a DBS (formerly CRB) check at the relevant level and a check against the Children’s Barred List for unsupervised posts.
- All adults should be aware of the potential risks with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). There is an additional resource pack available here.
- All adults should be familiar with the PREVENT / Channel initiative
HELPLINE - Preventing extremism in schools and children's services
Email the helpdesk by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone 020 7340 7264
If you are concerned about extremism in a school or organisation that works with children, or if you think a child might be at risk of extremism, contact the helpline. Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm (excluding bank holidays). - All adults in educational establishments should know how to access the 'whistleblowing' policy , the contact details of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and the Ofsted 'Whistle Blowing Helpline':
Tel: 0300 123 3155 (Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm)
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Write to :
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
It is desirable that schools:
- Ensure all visitors understand the safeguarding arrangements by including a statement on visitor badges and for longer visits. click here for SAFE’s Good Practice leaflet
- Signpost children and young people to sources of help such as Childline. (Click here for your free posters) and CEOP Thinkuknow education resources (Click here to register for free access)
- Consult with children and young people about feeling safe and working with them to improve safety arrangements when necessary
- The views of parents, including those shown by Parent View, an online questionnaire for parents click here for the Parent View Toolkit.
- A system in place for parents to express their views at any time click here for the Parent View Poster and leaflet
- Carry out safeguarding risk assessments for all activities particularly those which are more sensitive including involve changing, intimate care, First Aid, photography, one to one work, overnight trips
For more details of the Ofsted Framework for Inspection click here
For information on inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills click here
Important Documents
The important documents listed below can be downloaded by clicking on the relevant button
Education Setting Safeguarding Training Requirements
- Child & Adult Safeguarding
- eSafety
- FGM and Prevent Duty
- Lead & Deputy Training
- SAFE Membership
- SAFE Audits
In addition to the mandatory DBS checks all unsuperviised staff who have contact with children within the educational setting must be trained in standard child safeguarding which will give them insight on how to recognise potential signs of abuse and how to respond to concerns in a way that provides protection for all those involved. In addition, if your personnel deal with vulnerable adult learners then they also require training in standard adult safeguarding.
Training can be taken online or face to face and both SAFE's online and face to face child safeguarding courses include scenarios that are specific to the educational setting, ensuring the training is applicable to students' roles.
Ofsted requires all staff in education to be trained in eSafety.
SAFE's eSafety courses are designed for anyone working with children and young people. They teach participants about the power of digital communication and the accessibility and reliability of Internet information. The scope includes lessons where candidates can find out for themselves some of the information held about them personally on the Internet.
Course Content
The eSafety course contains sections identifying the relevant key legislation for eSafety Safeguarding issues and specific criminal offences which frequently involve modern technology. The course also teaches participants how to respond correctly to eSafety concerns and identifies eSafety Best Practice.
There are quizzes throughout the course designed to promote thought on this subject and help people consider what they know and how to apply their knowledge.
There is also a final assessment test which needs to be passed to gain a certificate confirming they have successfully completed the Wise up to the Web Standard eSafety Course.
Course Certificate
Certificates are valid for two years, are downloadable at any time from our website (pdf file) by either the person who has completed the course or their administrator. They can be verified by visiting our website and entering the Certificate Number. This will check our files and display Name, Date, Expiry and type of certificate.
Training Record
SAFE's eLearning system provides a downloadable employee training record in Excel format for your single central record.
These courses are designed for people who have completed current child safeguarding training. They are based on current research from Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre (CEOP), SAFE and other organisations.
Purchasing eSafety Courses
Purchase Online eSafety training here
The government recognises the need for knowledge and training around FGM, Counter Terrorism and Modern Slavery. The free resources and courses below have been developed by government departments to help with this.
Rather than developing our own versions (and charging for them) SAFEcic provides a page that links to the official, free training and resources. Click on any title to access the page.
Prevent Awareness; Official Home Office E-Learning Training on Prevent Awareness
Prevent Referrals; This package builds on the Prevent awareness eLearning training. It is designed to make sure that when we share a concern that a vulnerable individual may be being radicalised, that the referral is robust, informed and with good intention, and that the response to that concern is considered, and proportionate.
Channel Awareness; This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel. It is aimed at all levels, from a professional asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting.
FGM Training; All front line staff who have a mandatory duty to report FGM (Regulated health and social care professionals and teachers) and those who wish to raise their knowledge of the issues involved, please follow this link for their FREE Home Office training.
Modern Slavery; Guidance, resources and training from HM Government.
Leading on Child Safeguarding Course
Your senior/designated lead and deputy//alternate will require training in leading on child safeguarding and if your service provision includes vulnerable adults they will also require leading on adult safeguarding training. These courses detail their specific roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding. These are in addition to the mandatory DBS checks and standard safeguarding courses.
This child safeguarding course is specifically developed for the nominated Child Safeguarding Leads and Deputies in organisations and Designated Safeguarding Leads in educational settings. It is compliant with the latest legislation and government guidance and includes links to your local Safeguarding Children Partnerships/Boards.
The course covers the key aspects of managing safeguarding arrangements including child protection and other vital policies, identifying safeguarding concerns and how to make referrals. This online child safeguarding course includes handling allegations and complaints and includes an overview of eSafety (a more in-depth eSafety course is available separately for educational settings who need to undertake eSafety training annually). The course also meets the training requirements of the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted), and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Annual SAFE Membership saves you time and money in meeting your safeguarding obligations and provides peace of mind for 12 months. Membership includes access to download template policies and procedures for child and adult safeguarding, saving many days of research and policy writing. Click here for more details.
Membership also provides expert telephone and email support on safeguarding matters, DBS and recruitment issues. Additionally we provide a free expert review of all your safeguarding arrangements to attain the SAFE Award. Successful online submission to the SAFE Award risk assessment allows the use of the SAFE logo, under licence, on all your publicity materials assuring customers and clients of high standards of safeguarding.
Membership also entitles organisations to generous discounts on face to face and online safeguarding training and insurance discounts. For a full list of membership benefits click here.
Click here to join.
Desktop audits (entirely online) and onsite audits are available. Confirmation for onsite audits will be strictly subject to SAFE's risk assessment of the venue in accordance with relevant government COVID-19 guidance at time of the training.
The expert SAFE team has offered safeguarding audits and pre-inspection audit services for a wide range of organisations such as those in leisure, health and education since 1999. These services are dedicated to raise standards for safeguarding children and/or adults and also assist managers in benchmarking the safeguarding arrangements in their organisation.
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your contact details for further information and quotations.
SAFE audits are based upon the many years experience of the SAFE multi agency team and designed to reflect the expectations of inspection authorities including Ofsted and the CQC; and are based upon the seven SAFE standards for safeguarding :
- Nominating and training appropriate personnel as safeguarding leads
- Circulating current and accurate safeguarding policies and procedures
- Managing the safer recruitment and supervision of staff
- Adopting and implementing a staff training strategy
- Circulating relevant associated polices including eSafety and confidentiality
- Producing evidence of essential legal requirements including insurance, health & safety and relevant compliance such as CQC or Ofsted
- Carrying out safeguarding risk assessments and “hot spotting” activities such as one to one work, sports, transport and photography
What does the Audit Service Involve?
Typically taking three days (or more for larger complex organisations or those with multi sites) the SAFE audit team carry out onsite visits, meet staff ( and customers if relevant), scrutinise paperwork to evidence standards, inspect premises and produce thorough reports. These reports include the evidence seen and highlight any actions required to meet the standards.
Actions are graded for priority and are followed up afterwards. Successful organisations are then presented with the National SAFE Award which can be used to reassure parents and carers that every possible step has been taken to safeguard the children and adults in their care.
For more information please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your contact details. Prices range from £500 per day for charities and £995 for large businesses.
Face to Face Services
SAFE Face to Face Training
SAFE provides a wide variety of safeguarding related courses for staff engaged with children and young people in schools, academies and colleges.. With our experienced trainers - all selected for their professional multi-agency backgrounds as social workers, head teachers, police officers and Ofsted inspectors involved with safeguarding, we are able to bring a wealth of experience that our clients and partners can capitalise on.
Our training courses can be delivered at your own venue or at our training suite in Eye, Suffolk.
Standard Child Safeguarding Training
This half-day or after school course is a “must” for all those who work or volunteer directly with children, young people, and/or their families. It is carefully designed to ensure your staff know everything they need to from having a concern, confidentiality, recording and referring to your senior leads for safeguarding. It complies with the latest staff training standards for Ofsted.
Meeting the latest requirements of 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019, the course covers:
- The latest safeguarding legislation, national and local policies and procedures
- Recognition of child abuse concerns
- How to respond appropriately to concerns and / or allegations
- eSafety
- Relevant case studies
- Discussing best working practices
All participants receive a comprehensive training pack and SAFE Certificate, valid for 3 years.
Leading on Child Safeguarding Training
This course is specifically developed for the senior designated lead in educational settings and is compliant with the latest legislation and government guidance. The course covers the key aspects of managing safeguarding arrangements including child protection and other vital policies, identifying concerns and making referrals, handling allegations and complaints and elements of eSafety.
* Completion of the SAFE CIC Standard Child Safeguarding course (or equivalent) is a pre-requisite or can be added as a combined course at the end of the half day face to face Standard Child Safeguarding course. The session adds around 2 hours to the standard course.
The training meets Ofsted requirements.
All participants receive a comprehensive training pack and SAFE Certificate, valid for 3 years.
Standard Safeguarding Disabled Children and Young People Training
This course is designed for all those who work or volunteer directly with disabled children, young people or their families. NSPCC research tells us that children and young people with a disability are 3.4 times more likely to be abused than those without a disability. Therefore, it is critical for all those who work with disabled children and young people to be vigilant and aware of relevant safeguarding issues.
This after-school or half-day session will raise your awareness of safeguarding children and young people with a specific focus on
- increasing your confidence in identifying and understanding the additional vulnerabilities of disabled children to abuse
- gaining an increased understanding of possible difficulties faced by disabled children and young people in communicating their experience of abuse and strategies to support you in your communication techniques
- understanding more about effective risk assessment within your work environment in order to prevent possible abuse to disabled children and young people
- ensuring there is an equality of service delivery and experience of service provision for those children and young people with a disability.
All participants receive a comprehensive training pack and SAFE Certificate, valid for 3 years. This is a specialised course, which will build on your existing knowledge achieved from our Standard Child Safeguarding training.
Safeguarding Management Services
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will contact you to discuss your requirements and arrange a free quotation.
The effective management of safeguarding is a priority for all organisations but can be difficult to implement due to constraints on time, resources and expertise. SAFE offers a comprehensive management service with;
- named SAFE personnel to advise on managing or referring safeguarding concerns or allegations, available during office hours.
- access to the SAFE out of hours phone (in an emergency 999 should be dialled)
- back up advice and support from the expert
SAFE multi-agency team by email and phone plus the practical tasks of;
- policy writing
- making referrals
- writing reports
- liaising with external agencies
- attending strategy meetings
- risk assessing criminal records information
- assessing staff safeguarding competencies
- carrying out any internal investigations when necessary
- annual review of all safeguarding policies and procedures
- updates when the law changes and impacts upon practice
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information on our Safeguarding Management Services and how we can help your organisation fulfil it's statutory and moral safeguarding obligations.
'Wise up to the Web' eSafety CEOP (Child Exploitation Online Protection)
Accredited Thinkuknow Training
Keeping safe on-line is the latest emerging risk that young people have to manage when using new technology. Increasingly, adults are concerned about how to keep young people safe online. SAFE's CEOP Ambassadors deliver this course and participants can then access the excellent CEOP resources available for working with children and young people aged 5-16 years. The course can be delivered either during school training days or during an evening after school.
Target group:
All those who work or volunteer directly with children, young people, and/or their families who would like to use the latest Thinkuknow resources and materials
Delivered by the SAFE CIC CEOP Ambassadors team, the course covers the:
- latest government and local guidance for safeguarding and E-safety
- risks children and young people face when accessing modern technology
- points of referral for disclosures, concerns and allegations
- preparation for delivering CEOP material and range of Thinkuknow resources available
Please note: There is no charge for this training at public locations on scheduled dates, however if you wish to make a donation towards SAFE's Community Objectives, this would be most welcome.
All participants receive a CEOP Thinkuknow Certificate
Please Note: CEOP regulations stipulate that, on the day, participants either bring their own copy of their enhanced CRB/DBS certificate or a letter from their employer/senior management confirming they have been rigorously recruited to work with children and young people.
Management Briefing and Five-Point Health Check
(Suitable for Trustees, senior management, CEOs, HR, the corporate Lead and Deputy for safeguarding and the Trustee or director with safeguarding in their portfolio)
This half day management briefing and five point health safeguarding check will provide the opportunity to identify and plan actions needed to help your organisation meet it's ‘legal duty of care’ both in the UK (and abroad if relevant) including: safeguarding policies and procedures, safer recruitment, DBS checks, managing concerns and staff allegations, crises and media management. This will involve scrutiny of your corporate structure and the relevant policies, procedures, handbooks, safer recruitment and training strategy. It will also create the opportunity to address any issues arising and adopt recommendations for future actions. The session will include consideration for various legislative responsibilities, quality assurance and best safeguarding practice.
This briefing includes a comprehensive training pack and certificate of attendance, valid for 2 years, for each delegate.